Rock Canyon Community Alliance
What is After Prom?
It is a safe, substance-free, and fun-filled night following Rock Canyon’s Prom.
It is sponsored by the Rock Canyon Community Alliance and Hosted by the After Prom Committee – which is made-up of parent and community volunteers.
When & Where?
April 5, 2025, RCHS
Who Attends?
It is open to ALL Juniors and Seniors, whether or not they choose to attend Prom.
What does my ticket include?
Your ticket will include food and drinks, casino, games, activities, raffle, prizes, and much, much more!
For more detailed information, please follow @rchsafterprom.
We cannot put on a great event without your help and support. Please consider volunteering!
We hope to see you soon at an After Prom meeting. We still need more volunteers.
Upcoming meeting dates are: TBD.
All meetings are from 6:30pm-7:45pm.
See the After Prom newsletter here.